Kindergarten Updates

See what's happening in Kindergarten this Month

Language Arts

We are working hard on learning and practicing our letter and sound recognition.  During our literacy stations, we are learning how to read pictures and words to ourselves silently for 10 minutes… we are building our stamina. We are learning how to write our letters correctly.  


This month in math our focus is building our number sense. We will practice the following skills:

• Count orally to tell how many in a given set of objects (up to 10)

• Represent how many by identifying and writing the matching numeral (up to 10)

• Construct a set of objects that corresponds to a given numeral (0 through 10)

• Compare and describe no more than three sets of 10 of fewer objects, using the terms more, fewer, or the same

• Identify numerals 0 through 10 when presented in random order

• Write numerals 0 through 10

• Count forward orally by ones to 20

• Identify the number after when given any number between 0 and 20

• Count backward orally by ones from 10



We will be learning about the needs and life cycles of ants and pumpkins, as well as seasonal changes for fall.


Social Studies

We are continuing our year-long emphasis on good citizenship, respect and kindness. This month we will compare how we live today and how the people lived in the past.  We will use positional words to start exploring maps.